Thursday, December 8, 2011

Yoo 230 - Thoughts before the Sendero 50k

Cue random photo:

And now a glimpse into the Kyoo mind and her thought snippets over the past couple days (pertaining to the 50k...):
  1. Um, what was I thinking??
  2. I can't wait to run!
  3. It's just going to be a really long breakfast, right?  A PB&J sandwich at each aid station, with a few miles to jog in between?
  4. Of course there won't be any snakes.
  5. Playlist loaded with a sprinkling of Christmas favorites?  Check.  I'm just going to be jamming all the day long. 
  6. I hope my iPod doesn't die.
  7. Remember how you signed up for another one of these in January?  You haven't even finished the first one!
  8. Camping Friday night is going to be cold.  Every blanket in the house will find employ.  And the down booties, of course.
  9. Good thing I'm running 31 miles this weekend after all the holiday junk I ate this week...
  10. Should I wear the spandex shorts or the spandex pants?
  11. I really need to pack.
  12. "Just keep running, just keep running, just keep running, running, running."
That about sums it up.

Cue second random photo:

Wish me luck this Saturday!

Have a great day :-)

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