Monday, December 10, 2007

Kyoo 72

Due to a few complaints about my lack of blogging, I have made this a priority and will thus commence with the insanity:

My MesoAmerica post will be up shortly. I still have a few loose ends to tie up this semester. But, if you are in a position of power (and respect and gratitude) in my life (i.e. mother or father) then let it be officially written to everyone on the World Wide Web that this is probably the chance of a lifetime, the safest way to get the travel bug out of my system, and an opportunity to learn and grow into a child you can be even more proud of. When it's put that way, you're getting something out of it, right?

And there will be souvenirs. Think BIG.

Like sombrero big.

Your literature will arrive by the end of the week. Until then, picture me climbing ancient runes, hiking through a monkey-infested jungle, and swimming through a cave. And brushing up on my Spanish in preparation for living in a predominantly Hispanic community!

Or you could picture me rotting away somewhere else.

And Steffer's going!

Okay, I'm done for now.

I just wanted to share that I gave a big presentation this morning with my fly down. There. Now it's not embarrassing. I KNEW it was down. I promise. You can stop laughing now. Really, I don't think anyone saw because my pants are just so that it's hard to tell. But, if anyone DID see, they may or may not have caught a glimpse of my sailor-striped underwear.

At least it was cool.

And if you're still not sure what to get me for Christmas (interested parties should have received their respective lists by now), Teenage-Mutant Ninja Turtles underwear is always welcome.

I like Michelangelo or Leonardo if you can't get a variety pack.

Have a great day :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Btw, I didn't tell you earlier... but that's awesome! You are going to have such an amazing time! You'll have to take lots of sweet pictures and tell me about all your crazy adventures!