Monday, March 10, 2008

Kyoo 86

I had a fabulous weekend going on fun adventures and spending some time with an old friend. It ranks up there with some of the best weekends this semester.

But it still doesn't beat Vegas.

However, I do have a story.

First, imagine me skiing. I'm doing very good, getting my carving mastered, going faster, and all-in-all felling very comfortable on the skis. Ripping up the slopes, if you will.

And imagine me not losing my skis the entire night! Normally I have a few crashes that require an extensive hike back up the mountain to rescue awol equipment.

Now, imagine the end of the night. The lifts have just closed and I'm skiing in from my last run. My car is deep in the parking lot and I figure it's relatively covered in enough snow that I should be able to ski across it and avoid the awkward walk that ski boots produce. So, I'm cruising along when my ski hits what I thought was ice but actually turns out to be frozen mud and just stops. My body keeps going until it's flattened against this muddy plane. This change in direction creates a very awkward landing that sends my shoulder into a position not on the list of acceptable shoulder positions and begs that I contort my legs in accordance with my skis.

Did I take the time to imagine what I looked like? No. Not only did I biff it in the parking lot, I ate it in front of a bunch of guys changing outside their car. Of course. And I had to fight back tears as I pushed myself back into a vertical position and pretended to be okay. I honestly thought at the time that I had dislocated my shoulder because there was a very noticeable pop that occurred.

However, as of today, my pride is fully recovered and my arm is just slightly tender.

Thanks for asking.

As for those guys, I'm sure they're still having a good laugh. I guess that's what I'm here for.

Moral of the story: don't try to ski through the parking lot. When the lift ends, the skis come off.

Have a great day :)

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

hehe glad you had a good weekend... I'm excited to hear about it.
I can totally imagine the skiing mishap... and while I'm glad you're ok, you have to admit that if you saw someone else do that... you might still be laughing about it. :) You could always sue the ski lodge or something... cause their mud looked like ice... okay, it's a long shot.