Saturday, March 14, 2009

Kyoo 147

This quote from John Glenn made me laugh:

"As I hurtled through space, one thought kept crossing my mind: Every part of this capsule was supplied by the lowest bidder."

Haha, that's pretty much true everywhere money is involved. Time, scope, and cost. Got to love that triangle.

When I'm bored at work (which is frequently right now because my next project hasn't started) I play on wikipedia. You wouldn't believe how long I can keep myself occupied! There is so much cool stuff to learn.

Lately I've been reading about all of the past and present female astronauts and found one of the coolest ones ever: Eileen Collins. She originally caught my eye because her profile says she currently serves on the board of directors for USAA. After a quick check on the company intranet, sure enough, she does! I want her to speak at the next employee meeting.

Why is she cool? Well, she was the first female pilot of the space shuttle and only female commander ever (and with the shuttle program ending soon it looks like she'll keep that title), she flew Columbia's last complete mission and the first mission to test shuttle safety after the Columbia challenge, and she completed the first 360 degree pitch manuever of the space shuttle. On top of all of that, she was a test pilot and has logged more hours in super cool jets than I've logged in my car.

Call me crazy but I still want to be an astronaut. But I won't spill all those desires and plans here.

Have a great day :)

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Oh, I *would* believe how long you can keep yourself occupied on Wikipedia!