Thursday, June 11, 2009

Kyoo 158

"One of these days I'll learn to be on time."

-Kyooyoo, Kyoo 157, May 5, 2009

Yep, still haven't learned. I missed my flight to Salt Lake City this morning. And now I'm sitting at the airport with a standby ticket in hand hoping to get on the afternoon flight. It's still overbooked. One minute til seats are released.

I just saw a bird fly from one rafter to another. There's a bird in here! That's so cool. Too bad it's not a bat. That might scare more people and maybe they'd leave and skip their flight.

Back on subject. The main problem this morning was that I didn't realize that summer travel season had started. I figured the airport wouldn't be too bad at five in the morning on a weekday. I was very wrong. It was the most packed I've ever seen it. Apparently everyone and their dog (literally) in San Antonio was flying out this morning. I didn't give myself enough time for that. So, I watched my plane take off as I headed back home.

Still no word on the standby line.

In other news, work has been going better. I have code to work on and am understanding more. But that's all boring stuff.

I've definitely had some fun lately. I've been meeting lots of new people and they've kept me quite engaged and gone along with my crazy ideas. I've:

  • Gone on a motorcycle ride through the hill country
  • Climbed a tree to rescue a frisbee in the middle of the night
  • Made homemade fortune cookies for a church potluck
  • Ran through the sprinklers at work
  • Swam over two miles in one workout
  • Kept up on my soccer team with a tibial stress fracture
  • Put together a grill
  • Listened to Newt Gingrich live
  • Started playing ping pong again
  • Flew to Montana for a weekend to surprise friends and family
  • Stayed up way too late way too many times
That's a brief synopsis. I think I need to go talk to someone about my standby ticket. I hope I get on this plane. It has a mountain lion on its tail! I always like Frontier's planes.

Have a great day :)


Cynthia said...

I hope you catch your plane soon! My family and I missed the Concert Under the Stars where the USAA Band played. Will the band be playing somewhere else soon? I used to have a friend that worked there his name's Billy C.- definitely a nerd (not ALL band members are nerds). I think he played the trumpet. If he's still there, tell him Cynthia from SACU says HI! Keep having fun!

Christina said...

Is that the only reason you missed your flight?......What about the packing issue maybe?....Could we have left a little earlier if you had been packed...... :)

Kyoo said...

I actually missed the Concert Under the Stars too! I was pretty bummed but I had to get home for my sister's graduation the next day. Hopefully next year I'll get to play with them under the stars! And I do know a Billy C. at USAA. I don't know if he played trumpet but I will check with him and tell him you said hi if it's the same one.