Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Kyoo 168

Taking a little break from posting DC pictures. Ok, maybe a long break. I guess it's been almost two weeks since I last posted pics. Busy days!

In good news, I got on one of the college recruiting teams at work and get to go out to Idaho and Utah in October to help attract and interview interns and full time hires for next year. I'm quite excited! I've been interested in helping recruit almost since I was first recruited two years ago.

I'm still loving work. I have two awesome mentors. They're complete opposites which is great for me because I get to learn about data warehousing and corporate politics from two very different points of view. It's helpful and I love interacting with both of them. Plus, I can't hate all the opportunities I get to work paid overtime.

For FHE last week, we made ice cream in a bag. The activity went over really well and the ice cream was pretty good! Personally, I didn't think it was quite as cool as my "Fortifications" FHE where we built forts and read some of the war stories in Alma, but I'm not bitter. I just have to keep coming up with good ideas so if you have any, do share!

I discovered that adult multivitamins make me queasy. Which means I didn't take the kids gummy vitamins for years just because they tasted good..

I'm moving back to those. Not fun to throw-up every morning after taking a vitamin. It's probably because I take them on an empty stomach. But really, I'm looking for a legitimate excuse to go back to Gummy Bites. And I think this one counts. :)

I love clouds. I want to be up flying through them. Especially the really puffy ones that look like big mountains. It might just be that I'm missing the mountains. I mistyped the word "for" in a text the other day and instead typed "fir" and it made me miss the mountains. That and numerous other things. I want to be up in a cabin surrounded by changing trees with softly falling orange and golden and red leaves with a chocolate lab by my side. I'm so jonesing for the fall. And I won't get it here in Texas. But, back to the topic of this paragraph. Clouds make me want to fly. I really need to take at least one flight lesson to see how I like actually flying a plane. It's just so cool to fly around those huge clouds! It's a totally different world. Surreal.

Despite not getting much of a fall here, I still love Texas.

And the beach. I went down to Corpus with some friends for Labor Day and had my favorite Macho Gumbo at Pier 99 and then swam in the ocean for the rest of the day. And didn't see any jellyfish this time.

Have a great day :)

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Winnipeg will have changing fall colors soon. And, one of my friends is a flight instructor. You could kill two birds with one stone. ;)

Glad to hear things are going well!