Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Kyoo 195 - The Vineyard

Just discovered this and I had to share:

The Vineyard Logo

I can't believe I hadn't found this sooner!  You can sign up for different activities and "volunteer" for the church from your computer!  I spent about an hour adding word tags to different images of temples and animals and the Provo Tabernacle (seriously tons from that fire) and other random pictures.  It was actually kind of fun.  There's also family history indexing (which I know has been available for a while) and proofreading-type activities for church publications.  I can't say this enough, it's a super cool idea and I'll definitely be spending more time on it.

Such a productive use of my time while waiting for 3 o'clock church on Sunday!  Or watching a movie or just procrastinating in general...it makes me feel productive while I'm procrastinating...

Have a great day :)

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