I was one of those crazies fighting their way through Wal-Mart before the turkey day had even drawn to a close.

The crazy part was probably that I was there for just one thing:

"Marley and Me" on blu-ray for $5. Is this movie favorite? Uh, yes, except for that one part that makes me bawl uncontrollably. But I can fast-forward through that...
I was also a crazy lining up outside for the midnight opening of Target.
For no particular reason. Other than everyone else was doing it. And because they were handing out holiday Luna Bars, duh.
Estrogen sticks!
And since the Gregshopper (look at that fast and see grasshopper? yeah me too) is a reader of this, lets not forget that there was icecream there, too. He was, err, partying it up elsewhere. And was kind of bitter that he was missing out on such excitement. But more on that later.
Target is sure the place to be though. The crowd is a bit more refined than the Wal-Mart throng, but still passionate enough to require the supervision of several managers AND local law enforcement. But you're more likely to walk out of that one alive and without communicable dieseases.
Just saying.
So where was my Gregshopper through all of this? Oh, only camped out in the DEPENDS aisle back at the Wal-Mart!

He had his eye on a new laptop (for scholarly things, of course) and chilled with the adultish of diapers (among other commodities...) for 3 hours. The best part? Maybe the fact that he had to get a bathroom pass if he needed to leave the line (shout out to high school!)? There was a proud associate stepping on his little soap box every few minutes and laying down the LAW!
"When you entered the line, you were given a ticket. You MUST have this ticket to obtain the merchandise at midnight. No ticket, no laptop. If you need to go to the restroom, you MUST get a pass. You will have 15 minutes to return to the line or you will have to forfeit your ticket and return to the end of the line. NO EXCEPTIONS."
It was a tough (and soooo interesting to watch) crowd. But my Black Friday gladiator came through:
And is now the proud owner of his very first laptop.
This is probably a good time to give my Gregshopper some props because he is quite the Gregshopper. Not only did he endure that kind of humiliation all night, but he woke up early-ish the next morning and spent another 8 hours on the mall crawl with me.
Besides the traffic (and maybe my horrible directions?) and more droves of deal-craved, sleep-deprived, caffeine-powered civilians, the day shopping experience was much sweeter.

A little more successful (for me, anyways).

A lot more magical (skating rink IN the mall AROUND the massive Christmas tree....!)!

Oh yes, and lets not forget that

And all I could think to do was stand there in the cheesiest of ways with the thumb up (go Kyoo!). Hopefully I'll get another chance at the Santa photo before the season's over...
Have a great day :-)
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