She's moved on to bigger and better things than this mortal life has to offer, but, she sure left me some good memories! Her buttermilk hotcakes with homemade maple syrup? Melt. In. Your. Mouth. Weeds? The bane of our existence...pull them all up! That last, little, tiny, miniscule remnant of the soap bar? You mold it into the bottom of a new one. Old-fashioned egg beaters? Of course they can be bath toys! Family history work? Just do it.
She was a family history fiend.
Which I guess is how that little bottle of Heinz ketchup ended up on her windowsill. According to the Kyoo grandpa, no one knows how long it's been around or where she got it, but she kept it because of the name. Heinz. She had a relative with that name.

And so it sat there. For years. And years. As far back as I can remember, during summer time visits, I would stare at that bottle (and some little statue of a genie, I think?) whilst washing dishes by hand at the Grameez house. And my hands would turn super pruney and feel weird. And I would complain that my hands we're turning super pruney and feeling weird. And the Grameez, and probably the Kyoo mom, too, would roll their eyes and tell me to just finish the job, maybe thinking I was trying to get out of doing dishes? Which was only mostly true. And I would turn back to the dishes with a "hmph" of despair because I still had to finish the job. And, also, kind of a soft whimper, because I was really hoping my skin wasn't about to fall off.
The little Heinz bottle will tell you it's true.
So maybe you can understand my excitement when I acquired a miniature bottle of Heinz ketchup at a restaurant a couple weeks ago??
A flood of memories came back!
And I decided to continue the tradition. So, in honor of the Grameez, there now sits a miniature Heinz ketchup bottle in the Kyoo kitchen. Right above the sink.

Just think of the years it will see and the stories it will be able to tell!
It's going to have a happy life. Just like the one in the Grameez house.
Also, the sweaters had to be pulled out today. All 4 of them. I'm thinking I should expand that collection this year...
And, maybe I turned my heater on?
Call me a pansy but my house was 52 degrees when I woke up this morning. And that was just a rude awakening.
It did give me an excuse to spend some time in front of the fireplace, though.

I love that little fireplace. Fake as it is. And soon, it'll be all decked up for Christmas!
Have a great day :-)
That's so cool you're continuing that tradition from your grammie! I bet she smiled when she saw your little bottle.
Paaaaaaaansy. ;)
Love the stories!
Loving the fireplace. *Stephanie
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