It might still be too early but I'm hoping to find the humor in this by typing it all here goes.
This adventure begins on Wednesday night, shortly after realizing I was going to need to postpone my Christmas travel plans due to winter weather. (and also several texts from the Kyoo family with terms such as "wuss" and "Texan" being thrown around).
I realized there was a problem as the Gregsinger and I were heading to "Caroling on the Riverwalk". It's an annual tradition with the Institute here and another one of my favorite Christmas activities!

The Riverwalk at Christmas rivals Temple Square's light magic in my book. I mean, look at the detail on those trees! And they're not short!

And you can ride around and take it all in on a boat. While singing Christmas carols. Kind of a trump...

And there's donuts and hot chocolate after. FTW! I was feeling quite chipper and festive at that moment.
But back to the problem.
We had to take the Gregmobile downtown because Casper was being stubborn! Which really was uncalled for because he received a full service, wheel alignment, brake cleaning, and other sorts just on Monday. But for some reason, we could put the key in the ignition but it wouldn't turn. We jiggled the steering wheel, tapped on the key with a screwdriver, directed stern words its way, (ok, mostly I directed stern words its way...), and ultimately accomplished a whole lot of nothing.
Except realizing there was something else preventing me from getting home besides the weather.
I was able to put it out of my mind while caroling but the problem pretty much consumed me all night. I had to fix it! I tossed and turned trying to decide what to do. At 5:30 I called it morning and got to work. (it was actually 5:29, and the financial nerd in me giggled just a bit).
After a few hours at work, I stepped outside to face the Casper car. There was a challenge to tackle!
Sleeves rolled up, tools laid out, and battery cables disconnected, I turned to a do-it-yourselfers best friend: You Tube tutorials.
But I really had no idea what I was doing. All the videos said the "ignition lock cylinder" is just supposed to slide out and you can put a new one in. Except to release it, you have to be able to turn the key to the "run" position.
Which wasn't an option because the problem was the key not turning in the first place! Hardly helpful. I did some more googling and quite a few people said they "drilled" out the key hole until they could turn it to the run position.
That seemed a little drastic. And I decided it'd be best to check at an auto parts store for the replacement cylinder first.
Three different stores. No one had it. I may have cried a bit.
I even checked at a dealership and nothing. They did give me a quote to do the work themselves but they couldn't get to it until Monday.
I felt so frustrated and defeated! This is about the point I really let the tears go (while telling myself I was so dumb for crying) and texted my family that I probably wouldn't be making it home.
And then I took a nap. It's a really good way to procrastinate facing a problem.
I felt better after the nap. But I was in a really stubborn mood. My family was full of ideas on how I could still make it to Nebraska but I had already accepted a Christmas weekend alone in my condo eating a pan of brownies and watching Netflix. I couldn't get up there my way so I wasn't going to get there at all!
Pathetic, right? Don't judge. It was a low point. And that's about when the Gregrescue stepped in. He took me to Pasha and a movie (Mission Impossible, recommend it). Can I say again that that boy is a champ? I enjoyed our little date but after I slipped right back into a mood when I had to think about the situation again and was so determined to not let anything make me happy. But then he started singing "Pedro the Banana Stand" and, I tried to fight it off, but it broke right thru the wall and made me smile. And I told him he was dumb and tried to hide it but he wasn't fooled. Darn it Greg, I was trying to be mad!
I finally bucked it up, coughed up the 200 bucks, and picked up a rental car. I thought my horrible day was over too, but as I pulled up to my condo, I realized I had left my keys in the Gregmobile. And, NO JOKE, a black cat walked in front of my car right then.
Silent prayer. Please let this not be an omen of more bad luck!
I called the Gregman and there was nothing else we could do at that point except laugh exhaustively as we both drove back across town to meet and exchange keys. And also get ice-cream. (way overdue at that point, realize that).
It was such an emotional day. I hate emotional days.
At least it makes for a good story, right?
Yeah, I could have gone without it too. But it doesn't seem so bad now that I'm finally en route to Nebraska with my Gregman in the saddles of Jetta Jean. (Greg gets partial name creds for that one).

We'll see how I feel when I get my credit card bill next month. Ha!
I hope y'all are having better holiday travel luck than me! Just get with all your peoples, ok? Almost Christmas Eve!
Have a great day :-)
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