Thursday, January 12, 2012

Yoo 254 - The Birthday Wish List

Just for fun!  The Kyoo birthday is just over two weeks away so I converted the "probably going to buy eventually anyways" list into a GRAND BIRTHDAY WISH LIST!  Ok, not that grand, but here we go:

1.) Drymax socks - I've burned thru yet another pair of running socks and had my eyes on these for a while.
2.) Rice krispy treats - Kyoo mom?  Dylan? Anyone??
3.) Stamps - the Kyoo mom surprised me with a book of the cool Alan Shepard/Mercury project stamps a while back and I'm running out.  Especially since I've kept up with my letter-writing this week!
4.) Head Chefs kitchen tools - aren't these cute?  Fred pastasaurus!  You better believe if I ever had a wedding registry that these would be on it.  Whisk, spatula, Fred, and timer are current "nice to haves".
5.) Speedplay clipless pedals - hard to ride a bike without pedals.
6.) Swimsuit - old one has seen one too many pool workouts.  And the element of surprise with a grab bag just makes life more exciting!  Size 36.
7.) Honey Stinger gels and waffles - these are amazing.  I've tried just about every gel and favor these.  Definitely put them to use...
8.) Flannel shirts - so comfy.  I'll probably look like a dork but that's typical.  And I probably won't actually spend $40 on a new one.  Goodwill maybe?
9.) Not pictured but...the trophy rack my brother and dad designed for me.  It's so cool!
10.) And, because I can't end on 9, I'll throw this in there.  Because a girl can dream.  Entry into the Transrockies Run.  I know, I know, eye roll.

Oh I'm so wishful. 

In other news, I pushed too hard with my weight workout today and I kind of want to put a shoe bench and a coat stand in my house.  Life is terribly exciting here!

Have a great day :-)

1 comment:

cycling supplies said...

I don't get this. "Kyoo mom surprised me with a book of the cool Alan Shepard/Mercury project stamps a while back and I'm running out." Could you please enlighten me on this? I keep following all your posts hope you can regularly post more. I get very useful information here. Thanks for having this.

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