Friday, February 24, 2012

Yoo 287 - Costco Frozen Yogurt

(this is no secret).

I'm in love with the stuff.

Have been for a while. In fact, the Gregbeau's in on it too. Pretty much, if its a weeknight date and before 8pm, we're probably laughing and debating finishing times for a triathlon relay team consisting of Michael Phelps, Lance Armstrong, and Ryan Hall in between spoonfuls of it.

Yes, there are those fancy frozen yogurt places with their 60 flavors of the week and a buffet of toppings that might put Las Vegas to shame. But those are stressful! I stand, staring at that wall of dispensers with my sackful of used sample cups, completely torn. Which one this time? All of them again?? Fretting and sweating...and don't even ask me about toppings! It could send me into a stress-induced cardiac arrest!!

And if that doesn't the total price by weight at the end will.

("dang-it. those spoonfuls of cheesecake pieces sure cost me..."

Yes, there are those places. But they're dangerous. Costco is my frozen treat safe house.

Seriously, best frozen yogurt $1.35 can buy. Vanilla. Chocolate. Sweet frozen berry topping. A few combinations to combat whatever I'm craving. Always perfect.

It's "froyo". Simplified.

But you already know this, I'm sure.

Cheap, simple moments of delight are found in the Costco food court, people. (remember how the comma is SO important in that sentence??)

That's a fact.

Have a great day :-)

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