Monday, February 27, 2012

Yoo 289 - 3 Things

Thing the first:

I'll be playing around with the "design" of my blog for the next little don't be alarmed/annoyed if it keeps changing. I figured after 5+ years it was time to actually customize/organize it a bit. Work in progress!

Thing the second:

Ready for the grossest way to begin your Monday?

That used to be chocolate milk. (the same that exploded). Do you think that bottom section is almost potable water now? No? Don't worry, it's been properly disposed of...

Thing the third:

More phone drama. So, Saturday night. The Gregbeau and I were settled in watching my, hands down, most favorite movie (apollo 13). Nothing out of the ordinary. Except that he actually agreed to watch that movie with me. He usually just shakes his head in disbelief every time I start gushing about how it's the coolest. movie. ever. (hello! partially filmed in the vomit comet!). But that's besides the point. Movie played on, Kyoo fought back tears, Kyoophone sat abandoned and "turned off" in the kitchen. (it had been particularly unruly that day). Or so I thought...

End movie, enter Kyoo into the kitchen.

"What the.....on no!"

Yes folks, serious trouble now. The Kyoophone had managed to turn itself on during the course of the movie and make, no less than, 12 calls to a handful of my most obscure contacts.

My recent outgoing calls list looked a little like this:

21:26 - guy I was going to sell my old punching bag to but never did. (2 years ago)
21:30 - old manager at work. (she's still with the company)
21:40 - another work contact. (haven't been on a project with him in over a year)
21:47 - random girl that used to be in my singles ward years ago.
21:51 - guy I played soccer with at work. (3 years ago)
21:55 - another call to punching bag guy
22:04 - the Morgansister. (not a big deal)
22:16 - another old work contact. (again, haven't contacted in years)
22:23 - old manager again
22:34 - punching bag guy again
22:37 - old high school/college friend. (boy, went on a couple dates with him...)
22:49 - punching bag guy, yet again.

I walked in on that last call and it had been connected for over 2 minutes.

We have, at least, two takeaways from this.

Takeaway the first: I need to clean my phone contacts out.

Takeaway the second: my phone is possessed and doing everything it can to humiliate me. Two prank calls to my old work manager??

I now have a voicemail from her that I'm too afraid to listen to.

I imagine it's something about why I was calling her on a Saturday night to a soundtrack of Apollo 13 and maybe me crying and cheering in the background...

I think ignorance is bliss in this situation. I'm going to pretend it never happened.

First item on the to do list this week: buy a new phone!

Have a great day :-)

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