Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Yoo 312 - A Love For A Thousand Years

This post could also be titled "Why You Should Disable The Show Preview Setting On Your Text Notifications".

But that's kind of long.

I bought a new (used) iPhone a couple weeks ago and have been slow to restore it to all my preferred settings. There's something kind of refreshing about a "factory default" iPhone, you know? Uncluttered and simple. It's a new start.

But specifically, I'd been too lazy to disable the "Show Preview" messaging notification, which leaves all of my text messages, word for word, emblazoned across the screen as they come in for all to read. I normally just have a simple alert pop up but I hadn't had a reason to change it.

Enter reason.

So the Gregromantic and I had been jesting back and forth this morning about Christina Perri's song "A Thousand Years". Lyrical jabs, sappy jabs, it's stuck in my head jabs, and so forth.

It was in the middle of all this banterous talk that I had my phone sitting on my desk and was quite intently focusing on my work computer when one of my coworkers walks up to me and sees the following banners glowing on the screen:

Text #1 - "I have loved you for a thousand years"

Text #2 - "I will love you for a thousand more."

Coworker immediately starts laughing. "Hahahahaha I caught some good ones!!"

"Whadawhat??" My head spins around. I immediately start blushing when I see what he's read.

"We were poking fun of song lyrics!!!"

He wasn't buying it.

"Song lyrics, I swear!!"

I started to read off the texts sent before that but the damage was done.

Is that awkward or is that awkward? (the correct answer is mortifying).

I related this story to a friend (who shall remain anonymous...) and she argued that having someone at work yesterday point out that her fly was unzipped was worse.

She might be right but that's a hard "Would you rather...?"

At that moment I might have opted for the wide-open fly.

In other news, should I have bought this bear? Yes?? It was only 30 dollars at Costco! Can you imagine the happiness this thing would bring to my condo?? So cute and soft and cuddly!

It pretty much stabbed my heart but I had to put down my foot and command the Gregbear to leave it. (we take turns being the adult...).

He was pulling out the "It would be almost as good as having a puppy but it wouldn't poop" arguments.

Ugh. Again, I ask, should I have bought this bear??

(this is why you never aimlessly wander the aisles of the costco...)

Have a great day :-)

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