Friday, April 6, 2012

Yoo 317 - Of a Trip to Idaho

I did some traveling today.

To the Idaho.

Easter and family reunion and such.

The cool part about it (other than getting to see the family!) was getting the Idaho state sign. In my inspired-by-the-Alishafriend quest to capture a picture next to every state sign, I was still in need of Idaho.

And Utah.

Which is really quite puzzling since I lived in Idaho for several years and hit both of these states for one thing or another at least once a year since then.

I'm sure I've taken pictures before, but they were lost. Idaho and Utah are officially in the book now!

This was my chauffeur.

We talked all about her bustling college social life and it had me just a teeny bit jealous. I mean, she's clearly mastered the balancing act of being studious and social. I never quite mastered that in college (the social part)...and probably still haven't. But I'm super glad she's having fun. It doesn't feel like it, but college passes too quick. You've got to make the most of those years!

That being said, I might not get fed homemade icecream by candlelight at 2 in the morning or break out into spontaneous pie fights anymore, but I also don't have to take finals in a couple weeks either.

What now??

This Morgansister wears big earrings.

And jumps for pictures too.

It's cold and windy here. Nothing kills my desire to run like cold and wind. There was snow in Salt Lake, too. Just for me! <-- if there was a sarcastic font, that would have been typed in it. and bolded.

If these conditions don't improve, I might be able to justify taking a few days off training...

But it still looks pretty.

As does this dude.

He's trying to contain his excitement here. It's kind of a big thing when you get to see me, after all.

Have a great day :-)

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