Thursday, June 28, 2012

Yoo 369 - Announcing!

My invites really should have gone out weeks ago. But we were deciding on a venue. And then, after researching and trying many places, I couldn't find a venue that I liked. So I reverted back to the church gymnasium. I swore I would never do that but, when faced with all the prospects, it didn't seem as life-threatening as I'd been playing it up in my mind. Basically I liked the idea of being able to invite everyone and their dog without having to worry about head count and paying for everyone and their dog at some fancy place.

Limited time-frame and budget. I want to be able to afford a trip to New Zealand next year.

Not to mention the fact that the Caspercar NEEDS replacing.

But back to the story.

So when I'd finally decided on the church, and waited for them to give us the OK that it was available, it was Monday. Monday as in 3 days ago Monday.

That's when my attention turned to invites. And I kind of panicked when I realized that the ones I wanted to order online wouldn't get here until next week.

I mean, we're already at T-minus 3 weeks. We're pushing it.

PS - these didn't make the initial cut, but once I discovered them I was kind of in love.

Not real pretty or traditional...but they're cut and fold! I think it'd be so fun to get a wedding invite that had origami instructions! Almost useful in a way! But alas, the Gregcritique wasn't real keen and the Kyoo mom shut them down without restraint.

I feel as though my hopes and dreams are constantly stifled.

Just kidding.

Back to the story again.

T-minus 3.5 weeks. I was frantically trying to come up with a solution to get invites out sooner than next week, even considering e-vites, when the Katiefriend stepped into the game. She offered to throw our information into an invitation she'd used for another friend's wedding, I became friends with the people at FedEx office, and voila! Invites.

Well, hopefully tomorrow it will be voila! Invites. I proofed them today and they look good. Which means we could get them all sent out on Saturday. A whole 3 weeks before! They're not really pinterestable but they get the job done. And I probably won't try any fancy calligraphy while addressing them. I'm just hoping to not waste too many envelopes with misprints and smudges.

Also worth mentioning, still no dress, but that is going to be main mission focus come Saturday. And I wish I could fly out to Utah to look! Flights are a little too pricey right now and work is not a fan of me taking more time off.

I got the Gregdude's wedding band today, and shoot dang! I'm so excited to put that on his finger and claim him forever!

The Alishafriend, among others, is putting together a bridal shower for me this weekend. And it sounds amazing! Minus the fact that it's a social event that revolves around me. I try to avoid those. First fear is that no one will show up. Second fear is that people will show up. And all attention will be on me. Ah!!

Have a great day :-)


Nicole Jessop said...

Your invites look awesome! Don't stress!

PJ said...

First thought: I often happen to comment pretty soon after you post. That's because I check all the blogs I follow at night during Carli's feedings so I don't fall asleep. Just thought I'd put that out there. Not a fan of looking like a creepy stalker.
Second: I hear you on the church thing. It's not so much the church that always bothered me as the huge line. Luckily/unfortunately there was a death on my husbands side of the family on the day we were to have our reception in Utah and pretty much no one showed up. It was awfully, by that I mean pretty great except I still haven't met very many of his mom's side of the family. I thought it would be pretty hilarious to have a reception in a hay maze where at last half the guests get lost trying to find you. ;)

Alisha said...

People are showing up!
Never question me like that again lol :)

And this bridal shower is not only going to be the -- but it will be pinterestable.
I fact, when you blog about it, you are going to have to add a "pin it" button on your blog because people are going to be flocking around the pictures. ;)

Kyoo said...

PJ I love that idea! If I were getting married in the fall...I would probably steal that from you. How fun!