Saturday, August 25, 2012

Yoo 401 - On Not Doing An Ironman

Don't worry, Calvin and Hobbes are added sporadically for comedic relief. (via)

Remember how I'm supposed to be competing in an Ironman right now?

Me too.

Wednesday I was thinking: "I should be starting the long road trip up to Lake Tahoe..."

Thursday I was thinking: "I should be acclimatizing, renting a wet suit and going for a test swim..."

Friday I was thinking: "I should be picking up my race packet, checking in my bike and feeling really, really nervous..."

Right now I'm thinking: "I should be finishing the swim and getting ready to jump on my bike..."

Tomorrow I'll be thinking: "I should be an Ironman Finisher right now..."

It's kind of painful and bitter. I hate giving up on something I'm passionate about. Something I know I can do and have wanted to do for a while.

I hate quitting.

But it was too much. Juggling work and the part-time job of training and planning a wedding. I never officially made up my mind to not do the Ironman, it just kind of happened each Saturday as I wasn't able to put in the longer and longer training hours.

Not to mention the cost of getting to Lake Tahoe.

In one way, it was a relief. Getting my Saturdays back and not having to push my body thru 10+ hours of strenuous activity. I mean, that wears a mere mortal down.

However in another way I feel like I took the easy road out. I could have pushed myself harder! It would almost be over now! Everything eventually ends, you've just gone to hang in there!


There's going to be a big, bold "DNS" next to my name. How's that for shameful?

Good thing I have a new last name!


Excuse my while I hole up and read Calvin and Hobbes for the rest of the day, in a futile attempt to adopt the imagination of a 6-year-old and distract my mind from what should have been.

Have a great day :-)


Stanley Black said...

While "I did it" is a great feeling, you will find in your new life that each of your only achieve your goals when the other one is actively supporting you in it. Go find a new goal that you can both agree on and find the satisfaction of "We did it!" (Oh yeah, and planning and making a wedding happen is no small task, so give yourselves credit for having accomplished something great.)

Kyoo said...

You always have great advice Stanley. :-)