Thursday, August 30, 2012

Yoo 404 - The Defilement of the Caspercar

I ran to work yesterday. For an evening volleyball game. Carrying my volleyball shoes and sporting my fanny pack.

Whose hip?

Well, maybe not me but I certainly have some. Magnificently outlined while wearing the fanny pack, mind you. Go hips.

The Gregstudent had to go straight to school from work thus leaving me with four options to get to my game: walk, run, bike, or beg someone for a ride.

Walking is too slow, biking seemed like too much effort, and I hate begging.

So off I trotted, ignoring the stares and taking as many shortcuts as were legal.

We won, thanks for asking.

And then, later that evening, there was this:

The Caspercar was defiled!!! It breaks my heart. Hubcaps are a big deal. He looks so...broken now.

At first I wigged out and blamed it on the Gregman and how he drives it all over town and leaves it abandoned in shady places like the UTSA parking lots.

But then I came to my senses and now I just miss it. I miss having a car and I especially miss the days when the Caspercar didn't look like a junker. Even if he behaves like one. Sometimes.

So that's that. Just another episode in the glamorous life of college-attending newlyweds sharing a vehicle. Please keep your envy in check.

I'm telling myself that these are the days we'll look back on with fondness. The building blocks. Nothing good in life comes without a bit of sacrifice, right?

Maybe Sample Saturday at Costco? Nope. It's Costco. On Saturday. Even that requires a bit of brawn.

Have a great day :-)

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