Saturday, March 23, 2013

Yoo 461 - Here's My (Two) Sign(s)

I locked myself out of the house on Friday. That's never a fortunate situation, but it was especially unfortunate for these reasons:

1) My cell phone was just out of reach...on the kitchen counter and not in my pocket.

2) I had bread dough rising and quite ready to be shaped into loaves.

3) I had a huge pan of brownies BAKING in the oven with just 15 minutes left on the timer.

4) We have no hide-a-key.

5) We lock all of our windows, all of the time.

6) Greg was still at work and not expected home for over an hour.

Basically, I was real stuck.

I have a friend with a spare key BUT, after 15 minutes, I came to the conclusion that she was not receiving my telepathic cries for help.

Neither was the Gregman, who didn't miraculously come home early.

If anything, this spurred me to work on our patio project because I had nothing else to do except twiddle my thumbs and cloud-gaze for over an hour. And chill with Simba, the neighbor's cat. He was, literally, unmoved throughout the whole ordeal.

The worst part was smelling my brownies baking...those beautiful brownies...and knowing they were going to be hard as rocks.

 ^^ they LOOK surprisingly normal...they weren't

And they were. Though we did salvage a couple pieces from the middle that are somewhat consumable?

Now let's rewind to Thursday night. I was craving s'mores. And so I was making s'mores.

Graham crackers, sprinkling of chocolate chips, dump on the marshmallows, broil, set timer for 2 minutes, wait patiently. It works every time!

Except for those times when I forget that the oven is already pre-heated to 450 degrees and 2 minutes MIGHT be just a hair too long...

I came back to quite the fire in my oven. This is probably why you should never leave the broiler unattended.

Kicked-off the weekend in style, I did.

Have a great day :-)

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