Saturday, November 9, 2013

Yoo 544 - Odds and Ends From The Week

I know this is incredibly juvenile but we pitched our backpacking tent in the living room this week. It seemed like a cozy thing to do with the weather dipping down into the 50s and 60s. I felt like an ice cube all week in my weakened state (that state being armpit-of-hades-hot south texas) and even had to put a long-sleeved shirt on for a run.

To my family and friends up north, I can feel your condolences and sympathy as I type, and I thank you...

But the real reason I posted that picture was because the tent has turned into Greg's study fort and Roscoe plants himself on that couch cushion to keep him company thru the long hours. Or curls up right next to him. It's the cutest.

Unless I walk past carrying food and then he's my best friend again.

Now this is the big pit in front of my condo that some maintenance worker dug over a month ago and that hasn't changed one bit since then. Except for gradually accumulating a pile of trash in its depths.

It really enhances the landscape. If eye-sores are your kind of thing.

Luckily, they are finally working on fixing it today! And by fixing it I mean they're building a big metal box to go around it. So instead of a hole I'll have a massive square man-hole cover in my front yard. I'm just beaming.

My really favorite part is that any time they need to fix something like this that benefits the whole complex, they plug into our outdoor power outlets. I mean, I just love sitting in a freezing cold house to save money on my utility bill, only to watch their power tools run my meter up all the day long.

It's probably not that big of a deal but there's a welder involved. I have to be taking a hit. Also related, there is really nothing I can do about this so I should just let it go but my anal personality does not allow that. Technically I could flip a switch to turn off that outlet. But then they'd come to my door demanding I fix it in Spanish. It's happened before and it's really not a fun conversation. Plus it requires putting clothes on.

So instead I do what everyone does to solve their problems nowadays and complain about it on the Internet. I feel better already.

Have a great day :-)


Nicole Jessop said...

I 100% support throwing up a tent in your living room (as we have done that as well). Well done. And I'll keep any negative weather comments to myself except that Steve is trying to convince me to move to the Texas hill country so we'd be super close for visits! ;)

Kyoo said...

That would be awesome! I'm with Steve on this one...but I know that would take you super far away from your family so I won't tell him.