Saturday, November 15, 2014

Yoo 637 - Craters of the Moon

A week ago today I was waking up next to a few goldfish in my aunt's house thinking, "I've never been to Craters of the Moon..." Fast-forward thru waking the siblings up and bacon and eggs for breakfast and we were en route on an unseasonably warm Idaho morning. The highway was mostly deserted and Adam was questioning if he would even enjoy this place and I was so happy to be with a couple of my siblings in the middle of nowhere.

We hiked all the hikes and climbed thru all the caves and drove every mile of the camouflaged black road, winding across the lunar-like landscape. Adam made us laugh just about every time he opened his mouth to speak and Dylan proved an adventure buddy equal, like she always does. The cave explorations were especially humorous because all we had were a few borrowed, dim flashlights. Adam got the dimmest, of course, so his narrations were particularly humorous. He was also the lazy hiker, attempting to just curl up at the trailhead and wait for our return.

Our teasing was proportionally scaled to the fact the he was less than two weeks into recovery from an emergency appendectomy.

The missed opportunity of the trip was not packing in supplies and a laptop to sit in one of the darker caves and watch Batman. That would have been soooo cool.

I never tire of earth.

Have a great day :-)

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