I'm officially rededicating myself to blogging. It may not be everyday but if you, the reader, check back often, I will have recent posts. Why? Because I'm moved in.
It's not official yet and there are still things to do (don't look at the bathroom yet), but I'm settled in my room. And here are the pictures to prove it:
My room looks so much better in natural sunlight (which it gets plenty of thanks to the large windows) but there seems to be a shortage of sunlight at 10:30 at night during the "winter" months. This is the picture from the door as you walk into the room.
My bamboo plant! And bookshelf. And mirror. These pictures really don't do the room justice. Especially the wall colors. So very green and fun.
Desk area. I have a paper shredder and printer now! And there's a yucca plant on my desk. Elizabeth, the frame on the right is the one I was working on for hours whilst talking to you. Soon, all my diplomas (including my future Masters degree...) will be displayed in their frames above the desk.
Calvin's corner! I'm in the USAA band now so Calvin and I get to spend quality time together again. It's pretty fun. He's happy. There's quite a story behind the marker board too. It took forever to get the shelf installed on the bottom. I basically had to tear it apart and then painstakingly hammer it back together. It's hard to explain but trust me, I will not be buying that brand of marker board again.
My HUGE closet. Ginormous. Gargantuan. Black hole. It's big. Just perfect to store all of my junk so my room looks clean and neat all the time...haha. Actually, the closet is quite organized. Notice the nice hanging "shoe" rack/makeshift magazine rack off to the left. There's a slot for all my subscriptions! I like being organized.
So that's it. My room in a couple pictures. In other news, I have my first soccer game tomorrow. We're supposed to have thunderstorms though so it might get cancelled. I love thunderstorms! It's still quite warm here. Not complaining about the weather.
Also, the real world hit me when I got my first full paycheck. The real world as in taxes. There are no less than 10 deductions applied to my paycheck before I actually get to touch the money. This results in me receiving just about half of my gross pay. Jealous? You should be. After I meet all my financial obligations (savings, rent, car insurance, etc.) I'm living off of less than I did in college. But at least I have investments! I think my 401(k) is earning all of 2% right now. I probably should change my target fund...
Alright, you've been caught up. Now I can start posting the funny stuff.
Have a great day :)
WOOHOO!!! FINALLY! Looks great by the way.
I especially like the reflection of you in the mirror of that one picture. Nice shorts.
Hey, it looks so fabulous! I'm very excited to get there and can't wait! Bummer about the real world pay check. I'll have to remember to economize better while I'm there.
I can not even tell you how jealous i am that you finally have your own room and a ginormous closet. And a desk! Someday... i will be there. But it's so cute! I'll have to come visit you someday.
Looks great!!
I love the shades of green that you have on the walls. They seem so energizing and calming at the same time. And that is a huge picture frame. I can see why it took you over 2 hours to finish. :)
Um, do those diploma frames still have the default certificates in them? Because that's really funny... but if you want something new to put in them, I'm sure I could get you some sort of award.... mua ha ha.
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