Monday, February 16, 2009

Kyoo 139

The Shingods were victorious tonight! It was an intense 80-minute struggle but we pulled through 2-0. It is kind of stressful playing in a company league. I have to keep reminding myself that I might eventually have to work with one of the people I'm playing against. Or that I might unknowingly take out an executive. So I still have to make a good impression on the field. That is so against my normal mindset. Usually when I step onto the field I've got a do-or-die attitude and I take it to the opponent like that. Not the case here. If I'm too aggressive I could get a red card and those often times lead to a loss of employment...

So this soccer thing is a balancing act. I can't let the guys think they can get around me without a few bruises but at the same time I have to have a smile on my face and pretend like it was a complete accident and I'm "so sorry" for my "clumsiness".

I've got it down.

On another note, I broke my record last night on the phone with one person. 6 1/2 hours. It was fun. I think the previous record was in the 4-5 hour range.

I actually get a decent tax return this year! That was a pleasant surprise. More money to go towards a down payment. House, here I come.

Sidekick and I are seriously considering applying for "The Amazing Race". I haven't actually seen the show (cringe) but it sounds pretty cool. This season's applications are due next week so we might wait for the next season. It'd be pretty cool to say that I applied for a reality show once in my life. Although lots of people can claim that nowadays....and most of them are quite strange.

Maybe it's not a good idea.

And in case you were wondering, I am still boycotting dance lessons.

Have a great day :)


Anonymous said...

Not a good idea?! What are you talking about? It's a great idea! You really need to watch the show. Amazing Race 16 here we come! WoOT!

Elizabeth said...

Haha, that's hilarious about soccer... and the fine art of accidentally checking other players.

As for the Amazing race.... DO IT!!!!!!!!!

I love that show. It's the only reality program I actually find interesting. And you can be sure I would be glued to the tv every night you were on . I think it would be an amazing opportunity. Do it. Do it. Do it.

Do it.

Anonymous said...

You see that. We already have fans.