Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Kyoo 140

Casper broke down tonight!

Ok, I don't think I ever officially named my car on my blog, so I'm doing it now. My white little Saturn is named Casper.

I was driving home from a pretty stellar band practice and hadn't even gone off campus when I lost power to just a few essential things (brakes and steering) and had to wrestle Casper into an empty parking lot. I had no idea what I was going to do. First, I knew I needed a tow but I didn't know how to get one through security and then how to get it to me once it got on campus. USAA is, uh, huge. Second, I had no idea what was wrong with my car and I didn't know where to have it towed. And I didn't want to have to "demonstrate" what the problem was, if you know what I mean. I feel pretty stupid trying to imitate car noises in public...

So, thank goodness for USAA Security and AAA. I called the auto line on campus and they sent a nice guard to come check out my car and see if he could do anything. He couldn't but he did tell me the procedures for getting the tow truck on campus. Then AAA got me through the rest and my roommate came and picked me up.

However, I'm not out of the scare yet. I haven't talked to the mechanic. If he asks what it's doing I'm going to tell him to just put the key in the ignition and have a listen for himself. I will not imitate it.

On a positive note, I did need to get a state inspection done before registering my car and the auto center Casper's currently residing at can do it. Woot! Killed two birds with one stone.

That's my exciting news for the night.

Happy Birthday Grameez!

Have a great day :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GASP! Poor Casper! I hope he gets better soon. For your sake as well as his.