Saturday, February 21, 2009

Kyoo 142

I might have had a break-through at work yesterday. I will confirm or deny this next week.

Also, I fixed the washer today. The cold hose was hooked up to the hot water and vice versa. Not hard but I felt pretty handy.

I love my tools. And no, they're not pink.

Have a great day :)


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I'm impressed.

Anonymous said...

While you're fixing the washer, you think you could fix our fridge? Supposedly it's completely shot, and we're getting a new one this week... in the meantime, we've got seven girls sharing the upstairs girls' fridge.

Kyoo said...

Haha, oh man Snickers, that sounds HORRIBLE! Our fridge was always packed. And that was just the four of us.
You have my sincerest condolences. And I wish I was there to at least play with it!

Anonymous said...

We got our new fridge! It is much bigger, however, i'm sad it no longer has a water/ice dispenser. Now where am i going to get crushed ice?!