Sunday, February 22, 2009

Kyoo 143

I rediscovered my love of garage sales yesterday. I bought a 3ft tall artificial Christmas tree for $0.50 and The Step for $2.00. Remember those? The exercise step that is purple and turquoise and pink? And has different levels you can add on the bottom? I do. Now I can do lunges on it or something. I just had to get it. Ode to the 90s.

Maybe one day I'll put on my spandex leggings, throw a high-cut swimsuit over the top, add some bunched down socks, a cut-off sweatshirt, and headband and do some aerobics!

In other news, I'm a pansy. I've been putting off riding my bike to work because I don't want to shower and get ready for work in the locker rooms there. I need my naked time at home! It's not fun to get ready in the morning when you have to coordinate everything. It would be really bad to end up in the shower and accidentally leave my towel and underwear back at my locker. It takes time to get into a locker room routine where you have everything down: a favorite shower, a "decent" dressing routine (if you know what I mean...), timing, and such. I've got a nice room and good speakers. That's way more fun to get ready in.

And I do NOT want to risk starting the morning seeing an old naked lady. It happened several times in the locker rooms at BYU-Idaho and I think Texas would be worse.

But I'm going to do it.

Hold me to it.

Have a great day :)


Anonymous said...

Aerobics video! We should totally make one! Hahahaha! Oh man. I am so there!

Christina said...

I definitely think that you shouldn't start the working out at work until I'm able to be there so that I can learn the correct schedule. I'm leaving tomorrow!!!!

Anonymous said...

ha ha, oh naked time! how i miss it. I never get that anymore.... and your little work out outfit sounds a lot like our DDR parties...