Monday, February 23, 2009

Kyoo 144

I think I've finally gotten the whole "routine" nailed down. For those of you that know me, this routine is ESSENTIAL. I go crazy if I'm not in a routine. But at the same time it's not a same thing everyday type of thing. It's basically my plan of attack for working in all the important things. And once those have their place, I can enjoy all of the other time without feeling like I'm missing something or should be doing something else.

It's very similar to how I handle my finances. But I can't divulge all my secrets.

So, I feel quite accomplished. I rode my bike to work. And got ready there. And I have to say that the locker room really is amazing. Way better than my bathroom. I don't know why I've put this off for so long. And there's a sauna there! I might just be spending a lot more time at work...

I did experience a rude awakening when I sat on my bike for the ride home though. Apparently it's been a while since my derriere has been in contact with a bike seat. And it was protesting. LOUD. To make a long, painful story short, I had to stand up and pedal most of the way home. It was intense.

No news yet on my breakthrough. Hopefully this isn't just hype.

Have a great day :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I still can't stop laughing. Images... hahahahahahaha Oh man. I love ya