Thursday, February 26, 2009

Kyoo 145

Top 5 reasons why I love riding my bike to work:

  1. Exercise. An automatic 40 minutes a day.
  2. I get to park closer to the building than the CEO and all the executives.
  3. It's fun to pass stopped traffic really fast.
  4. Cross walks are never backed up for blocks.
  5. There's no chance that I'll get a speeding ticket.

The only thing I don't like about riding my bike would be the fact that, should I ever be involved in a crash, there is not a solid metal body surrounding my body and there are no air bags to pad my fall.

Minor details.

But I still feel pretty cool when I swagger into the building in my bike clothes, helmet in hand. Take that you high-heel wearing, freshly manicured females. I'm my own definition of hot!

Also, I had pretty much decided to wait until next year to buy a house but I'm kind of thinking that this year might be better. What with the $8,000 tax credit for new home buyers that doesn't have to be paid back. My money. Back from the government.

I like that idea. I just have to beat that random "year end" deadline of December 1st. Here I go.

Have a great day :)


Anonymous said...

YES! Way to rewrite the definition of hot! You're my hero!

Elizabeth said...

That's awesome that you are riding your bike! And all the perks... that is sweet. Does USAA hire bio majors? Maybe to like, do... biology... stuff? Let me know.

Anonymous said...

I have a buddy that has recieved several speeding/other infraction tickets on his bike. In the most "progressive" city in the country.

Kyoo said...

Hm. That's interesting. Not sure if I'll ever get fast enough to break the speed limit. Down hill maybe. They might get me for occasionally cheating and riding on the sidewalk. And through red lights.

But hopefully not.