Saturday, April 4, 2009

Kyoo 150

I went rollerblading today and I definitely looked like I just jumped ship from the nineties. I had the rollerblades (clearly), the tube socks bunched down, a helmet, gloves in case I fell, and mis-matched clothes. It probably would have been more authentic if they were cutoff shorts and a really baggy shirt but I do have some self-respect.

So, I took my ensemble to the streets and had quite a bit of fun. It would have been better to have someone to share the funny looks with but I survived.

People were probably thinking: "Man, that's a big ten-year-old!"

It was all quite enjoyable.

Have a great day :)


Anonymous said...

This post put a smile on my face going to bed. :D You crack me up. haha. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

You really are a big ten year old. :P