Sunday, May 3, 2009

Kyoo 156

It's kind of fun to be young and single and still able to fall hopelessly in love with fictional characters. Like John Thornton or Mr. Darcy. I mean, I don't have any of the marriage realities to pull me from the clouds. Like him leaving his whisker hairs all over the bathroom counter or farting in bed. Instead, I get to enjoy the high that comes from watching the much-anticipated kiss at the end of the movie and lull myself into a wistful sleep where I become the main character and it's me he stares at with such longing intensity.

Yes. Yes. But, instead, I have my own reality to snap me out of these romantic dream-states. Like the well-documented fact that I'm more scared of going on a date with a man than I am of most anything else.

I'd like to see a reality show mimic that one. Instead of challenging me to sit in a tub with hundreds of cockroaches, they throw me in a room with 10 eligible bachelors and I have to endure 5 minutes worth of verbal and physical displays of affection without squirming and trying to change the subject.

I'll take the former please.

And I'll probably do it while listening to Josh Groban and picturing my dashing fellows in my head.

And wondering why bleach gives spandex clothes a yellow hue and if lizards can will their tails to fall off in an attack.

Because the range of topics this mind covers in one minute is no little thing.

Have a great day :)

1 comment:

Snickers said...

I just want to say that i totally understand. Except i'd rather talk to guys than sit in a tub of cockroaches. But the whole first part... yes! *sigh* and i have yet to move on from my "jacob" that i told you about.