Sunday, August 9, 2009

Kyoo 162

"In the southern part of Texas, near the town of San Antone,
Like a statue on his Pinto rides a cowboy all alone.
And he sees the cattle grazin' where a century before,
Santa Anna's guns were blazin' and the cannons used to roar.
And his eyes turn sort of misty, and his heart begins to glow,
And he takes his hat off slowly to the men of Alamo.
To the thirteen days of glory at the seige of Alamo. "
-Marty Robbins, "Ballad of the Alamo"

Just a little cowboy song to introduce one of my recent adventures: an excursion downtown! San Antonio has so much to offer but I find that I rarely take advantage of it. For instance, I'd lived here for a combined total (including last summer) of 8 months before I first visited the Alamo. Shameful, I know. But, I broke free from work early on Friday (early being 6 o'clock) and went downtown with some friends to just take in the city at night.

The Riverwalk is magical in the evening. All genres of music float from every direction. Lazy palms cast shadows that dance around the cobblestones. The moon's pale glow illuminates the river. Kids run rampant with fake light sabers. There's a buzz of friendly energy as people mill about. And, if you're lucky, an amazing guy will have his hand firmly clasped around yours...

...and you'll get to be a dork with that amazing guy in front of the Alamo...

...and make body shapes after a treacherous journey across stepping stones to the middle of the river...

...and fail miserably trying to coordinate a heel-click photo on a downtown street...

...and have a rain stick anti-race in a Mexican gift shop.

In the words of Brian Regan: "Can life get any better? I submit that it cannot!"

It was a fun evening and great to spend more time with Robbie before he went back to school. I've had a lot of fun with him this past month. Playing horn-piano duets (we pulled off a decent recording of Romance by Saint-Saens), jumping on the trampoline, getting excited about the space program, looking at the moon and stars for hours, listening to all sorts of music, and just talking and laughing. There was always lots of talking and laughing.

I'm really grateful for all the relationships in my life. I learn something from everyone I know, family and friends alike, and it teaches me more about myself and pushes me to grow and be a better person. I like people. Just don't quote me on that when I'm in traffic...

Have a great day :)


Snickers said...

Wow, your description of San Antonio sounds so romantic! When i come visit you someday, you'll have to take me down there. Altho.... hopefully it wasn't just because you were with a boy ;)

Jalula said...

And to think that the Riverwalk could have been even more magical...