Apollo command module! This isn't one that went to the moon. Though the Smithsonian Air & Space museum does have the Apollo 11 command module, it's hard to take pictures of due to people constantly swarming about it. This is one used during the Skylab and Apollo Soyuz docking era. Still cool.
Friendship 7! John Glenn's spaceship for his 3 earth orbits during the Mercury program. Tiny! I can't even imagine what it would be like to be shoved in this thing and shot into space. Again, so cool.
A couple of Alan Bean's paintings. He's an Apollo 12 astronaut turned painter and his work is incredible. It's hard to notice in the smaller pictures but all of his paintings are textured with moon footprints. I so want them for future living room art!
It was never used but they had a replica of the Russian moon suit. Typical space suit except for the boots. Any idea why they felt the need to bedazzle them up? Very sparkly...
The Bell X-1!!!! First plane to break the sound barrier and flown by the legendary Chuck Yeager. I remember first hearing about this plane whilst watching "The Right Stuff" with my dad years and years ago and it was so cool to see the real thing!
Mi padre at Ford's Theatre.
Shaq's BIG shoe. Not sure why it was in the National Archives and Records but it was. I think it was given to some president. We of course stood in line to view the three major US documents but those pictures didn't turn out because of the lack of lighting and a tripod. And massive amounts of people.
Lincoln Memorial. Also saw the Vietnam and Korean war memorials. Pretty neat.
Wanting to play with the ducks but getting rejected.
Texas! At the World War II Memorial. Also took a picture with Morgie and I in front of Nebraska but that file was "corrupted". Or so my computer told me. Weird. I was going to take pictures of all my friend's states too but then I realized you guys are all spread out and it would take way too many photo uploads to this blog to capture them all. So just appreciate that I thought of each of you as I passed your state. And Miss Swan, I walked past the Canadian Embassy and thought of you. Maybe I will get a picture of that today.
Have a great day :)
Oh, please do! Please do!!
I always thought it would be cool to go the Canadian Embassy in the states... but they were all was so far from Idaho. And generally if you HAVE to go to the embassy, it's because something is horribly wrong, and I'm not sure I want to have that kind of a headache just for the pleasure of visiting the embassy.... :)
Ah! SO COOL! Not gonna lie, I'm a little jealous. Okay, a lot jealous. But seriously, so freaking cool! Gah! I really wish I could just aparate.
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