Enough of the space shuttle. Anyone remember my ripped crotch story? Well, I have another episode in "Such is the life of Kyooyoo". This one takes place late on a Saturday night in Target.
I had just spent 10 straight hours staring at a computer trying to finish up at work (remember, this is a Saturday) so my brain was pretty fried and all normal thought had ceased. On my way home I realized I was pretty hungry and pulled into the parking lot of HEB to get groceries. At this point, I decided it wouldn't be a good idea to buy groceries because I knew I'd end up buying the whole store. Well, this HEB happens to be next to a Target so I decided to go into Target to try on pants (that usually kills any appetite I have!).
So, I try on lots of different clothes and find a few things I like but in the process of going in and out of the fitting rooms I lose track of which ones I like and get sidetracked. In the unmentionables section. Sidetrack ceases and I walk out of the unmentionables section with a bright green-striped sports bra. Still not sure how that happened but it was on clearance and I was pretty pleased.
The story continues as my wandering around Target continues. I really should have gone to the checkout and left at that point because it was a little awkward carrying just the bra around. But, like I said, logical thought had ceased and I found myself poking about in the camping section, and then playing with some toys, and then rifling through frames in housewares. All while carrying this bright green bra.
Next thing I know, I'm leaving housewares to check out the crayons when, lo and behold, I run into *Creed Barter. If only you all knew Creed. I know Creed. He's in my ward. He was Elder's Quorum president for a while. He's currently the ward clerk. He's one of the most straight-edged men you will ever meet, at least what I know of him, and here I am, standing in front of him on a Saturday night in Target swinging my bright green sports bra around. Do not ask me how our conversation went. My mind was racing with the decision process of what to do with the bra!
"Should I shove it in my purse real fast? Would they see that on camera and think I'm shoplifting? That would definitely complicate this situation. Maybe he hasn't noticed it yet....oh Kyooyoo don't be stupid, he's noticed it. I could kind of crumple it up in my hand...no, it's on a hanger. Maybe if I put my arm behind my ba...yeah, that' stupid too. It will only draw attention to it. Should I wave it around and make it really noticeable? Would that dispel the awkwardness or make it more awkward? I probably shouldn't point this out in the conversation. Conversation? Conversation! Oh snap! We're having a conversation! What did he just say? I still have this bra in my hand. What do I do with this bra?!?!?!?! Is he waiting for me to say something?"
It was about at this point in my thought process that I realized that I had kind of walked away before whatever conversation we were having was over and I turned around to find him still looking at me. So, what did I do? I gave a small wave, WITH THE BRA HAND, and dashed into the lamp aisle. Smooth, I know.
Now at THIS point, you'd really think I'd have learned my lesson and just dropped the bra and left, but nope. That would be too normal of an ending for this story. What did I do? I wandered over to the electronics and ran into him AGAIN! Trust me, electronics is not where you want to be when you're carrying a bra through the store. There is a reason those two departments are on opposite-end, far-corners from each other. And I still don't learn my lesson. Because after stops in the books and then cards sections I finally reach the checkout in time for Mr. Creed Barter to pass by a third time. And I'm still carrying the bra.
And the story still isn't over because today at church, right as I'm leaving, he gives me a little nod and smile and remarks "Get everything you needed at Target last night?"
"Yes. Yes I did Creed. Thanks for noticing."
Ahhhh, such is the life of Kyooyoo. If it's unfathomable, it'll happen to me. So keep fathoming.
Have a great day :)
*Name has been changed
1 comment:
Seriously, laughing hysterically as i was reading this. I have a little video of this going in my mind as i was reading it from our multiple shopping experiences and i can tell you.... wow, i would pay money to see this
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