Thursday, April 9, 2009

Kyoo 152

I'll get right to the point and ignore the embellishments tonight.

I ripped a hole in the crotch of my shorts on my ride to work this morning. They just caught on my seat and the rest was history. Surveying the damage, I realized that this was a full-scale rip. It covered all its bases. It went up. It went down. It went to the left. And it went to the right. A gaping hot cross bun in the middle of my seat.


As I pedaled on, I consoled myself that it wouldn't be much of a problem. No one was likely to notice it during my spinning class later that evening (when I'd have to don the shorts again), and I always played right field in my softball games. I'd be fine!


Well, I made it through my spinning class with no issues. Shortly after I trekked to the softball field with just a couple minutes to spare before the game. I grabbed my glove, waved at my coach, and headed to my normal spot in right field. Unfortunately, I never made it there. Two steps onto the dirt and these infamous words soared out of her mouth:

"Teagan, I think I'll have you play catcher tonight."

It took all of .000002739 seconds to put two and two together.

Houston, we have a problem.

Hm. Disbelief. The day I have the crotch hole of crotch holes and I randomly get asked to play catcher. I really should have expected that. If there's anything that my life has taught me, it's that I need to just expect stuff like that and laugh.

So that's what I did. I laughed, said "Okay!", and played catcher. Thank goodness I didn't have to give little hand signals...

And to top off this post, which, if you really think about it, should have you in tears by now, I share with you this sign that caught my eye:

Will Be
Given an
and a
Free Puppy

Have a great day :)


Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Boy! That was good! It makes it even better now that I think back to our brief but obviously very important conversation this morning about you remembering to wear a crucial article of clothing today. Good thing both incidences didn't happen on the same day! ;) Although... that may have made the story EVEN better! HAHAHA! Oh man... I'm still laughing, it hurts. Not gonna lie, your life is very entertaining.

Snickers said...

Those hot cross buns look really good... is there anyway you can find some and send them home to me? thanks! ;P