Monday, May 10, 2010

Kyoo 175

And in yet another episode of "Such is the life of Kyooyoo", I present this one, which took place on a recent trip to Idaho.

It all started Saturday morning. I woke up with a queasy stomach. It wasn't too bad, just a minor annoyance, so I didn't think much of it. I ate granola and a banana for breakfast, spent some time with my grandpa, and then had a Lean Cuisine labeled "Asian Potstickers" for a light lunch a few hours later. Pretty normal day. Stomach was still queasy but again, nothing I couldn't ignore.

Enter my friend Greggers and his mom. Greggers had invited me over for dinner with him and his family and came by to pick me up early. I spent the afternoon running errands with him and his mom around Twin Falls. We toured the house she's building, browsed a home decor store, picked up some groceries, and had a pretty fun time.

Meanwhile, the storm in my stomach was growing more and more noticeable. I knew it wasn't normal when I turned down the opportunity to sample some salsa. I love chips. And I really love fresh, mild salsa.

Kyooyoo turning down food is NOT a good sign.

I really became aware that my situation was bleak when I walked into WinCo with Greggers and realized that every food I looked at made me want to hurl. I had to fight back a few gags as we walked around the store and I caught various whiffs of food.

Kyooyoo wanting to vomit at the sight of food is NOT a good sign.

Upon returning to Gregger's house, I kept doing my best to ignore my stomach and tried to help as they finished preparing dinner. I didn't last long. The constant struggle to retain the contents of my stomach amongst all the different aromas wafting around me was making my head spin. I finally had to excuse myself to a room and lie down.

So, there I was. First time meeting Gregger's family and I'm hiding in his room trying to calm my stomach. One hour passes. Then two. I'm still back there on his bed. His family is out in the kitchen enjoying a nice Mexican food dinner probably wondering about his creeper "sick" friend hiding from them.

Three hours pass. By this time, I was really in pain. I stood up and quickly realized that this was no fire drill. I had to get to the bathroom. Not knowing exactly where that was, I crept into the hall for a quick survey. Spying what looked like a bathroom door off to my left, I headed in that direction but was spotted by his sister. After a weak wave of acknowledgment, I ducked into what ended up being the laundry room. Dang it!

Two seconds later I emerged and spotted a glimmer of what appeared to be the desired porcelain throne just a few more steps down the hallway. Success! I crept inside, locked the door, turned the fan on, and hoped with every fiber in me that they couldn't hear the awful sounds of my "Asian Potstickers" and granola and banana finding an early return exit via my mouth. It was horrible. I hate throwing up.

I felt a little better after clearing my stomach but, thinking that then would have been an awkward time to introduce myself to his family, snuck back into his room to continue my resting. A couple hours later, after another visit to the bathroom, Greggers was kind enough to give me a ride back to my grandpa's house where I settled in for an unpleasant night.

This unpleasant night brought a few more hugging trips to the porcelain throne, dizziness that reduced me to a crawl, a churning stomach, and a new meaning to 7-Up. One small sip of that soda and indeed, 7 seconds later, it was back up. Not the best night I've ever had. Actually, I can't remember the last time I've been that sick. Or thrown up for that matter. It's been at least high school. Maybe longer.

But, after sleeping most of today away, I am pleased to report that I'm feeling better! I have so far stomached water, 7-Up, and some frozen strawberry yogurt. Now I just have to convince Gregger's family that I'm not some sick, creeper child...

But all I can say for now is, after not eating for a couple days, when I finally get my appetite back, I'm going to be ravenous. And Taco Bell had better be open.

Have a great day :)


Christina said...

Ha, I loved your story! Not to be a creeper but the adventure to find the porcelain throne filled me with excitement and trepidation. Will she it in time? Or will the bodily processed meals return at the wrong place? Stay tuned for the next episode of 'Kyooyoo'!

Alisha said...

LOVE IT! Taco Bell is indeed open :) Are you ravenous yet?
And you were totally THAT girl... haha best story in a long time :)