Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Kyoo 176 - Annnnnd I'm stuck in a turnstile

I know it's really soon but I have another episode of "Such is the life of Kyooyoo" ready!

So....I got stuck in the turnstile at work.

Yep. That thing.

How? Well, I think I was walking too slowly through it. And it locked early. Creating a little prison cell. With Kyooyoo in the middle.

It wasn't bad enough that I was stuck too. No. I was actually leaving work at a decent time. A time when just about everyone else was leaving work. So of course several people I knew walked by and had a good laugh. One of them finally stopped, grabbed my badge, and re-swiped it for me since I couldn't reach.

I have that nice gentleman to thank for freedom right now!

Oh the awkward situations I get myself in...

Have a great day :)

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