Sunday, May 23, 2010

Kyoo 177 - A little piece of wilderness in the city...and snakes.

More adventures from this past week.

I saw a snake.

And I rollerbladed through a river.

Both on the green belt trail in San Antonio.

For the first one, I was speeding along the path, listening to my tunes and giving passing people friendly glances. You'd think one of them could have warned me what I was speeding towards! The path curved and headed slightly downward. And right in the middle of that downward slope was a large black stick.

Or at least I thought it was a stick.

Until it moved.

I burned through both brakes on my rollerblades and pulled a few radical moves to avoid running over/having to jump over the mongo snake. Stretching clear across the path and fat and happy, it was huge. And moving slowly. I backed up a bit and waited patiently as it slowly slithered off the path. Chills were moving through my body. And my face was contorted. It was not a friendly encounter.

Shortly after, in a very similar situation (with no warning from the people who were passing the other way!), the path veered and started heading downward. This time, since we've been having lots of rain, it disappeared beneath 6" of water. Completely covered for a stretch of about 10 yards. I about slipped and biffed it right in the middle since I didn't have much time to slow down. The path beneath was very muddy (as you can imagine being covered by water for several days) and quite frictionless.

And then my wheels were wet and squeaked the whole rest of my ride. And I had to go through the river twice. And my brakes are gone.

So, not only do my rollerblades need help, but I have been super snake-conscious lately and can't walk anywhere unpaved!

Still, I love that green belt. It's my little piece of wilderness in the big city.

Even if it has mongo snakes.

Have a great day :)

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