I had been planning on buying a house since before I moved to San Antonio in 2008 but I changed my mind a lot. I'd look at houses and be pro-buying and then I'd do calculations and decide against it. And then the allure of owning something that I could make mine would creep up again and I'd start looking. It was a game of catch between the two opinions.
Finally, a little over a month ago, I saw the listing for my condo. I fell in love with it right away. The location (close to work), the size (2 beds, 1.5 bath), the floor plan, the cool sink in the bathroom (pictures to come), the fact that I wouldn't have to worry about exterior maintenance, the price that I could afford by myself. I picked a realtor and started working with him that day. Unfortunately, it was already under contract. But, luck would have it, that contract fell through and I picked up where they left off. End of sale, beginning of story.
Within an hour of signing the papers, I was already taking the place apart. There were a few things I didn't like and I figured I should fix them now or else I'd just put them off indefinitely. So, for the past 5 days, I've done nothing but work on my condo (and sleep a couple hours every night). It's been exhausting. Everything on me hurts. Especially my fingers. They're puffy and swollen from grasping tools all day! But now that I'm starting to see the fruits of my labor, it's really satisfying.
My new fridge! It's small...but the space (or lack thereof) kind of requires that. It'll keep my food cold. I've got some plans for the kitchen. Starting with replacing those hideous counter tops.
Semi-final product picture of the second bedroom closet.
I hated the baseboards upstairs (see picture below). And the carpet really needed some help. So I ripped out all the baseboards, put in shiny new ones (fancier too!), and got new carpet. They're almost done installing it. Had a big storm come up that killed power so that kind of stopped them today but it should get finished tomorrow. And Carpeting Charles is a pretty cool guy. Does good work.
The second bedroom before. Hated the yellow color. Looked like pee.
Master bedroom before. Yes, those are all my tools and I did make that mess by myself. Cleaned it up too! The room used to be the pee yellow color with one really deep red wall. I painted it green :)
See the baseboards? Kind of hard cause they're so small and improperly installed! This was the before picture from the hallway.
I'll keep uploading more pics as I take on new projects. I have a few finishing touches to put on the baseboards but that one should be crossed off the list this week. Then I'm moving on to a few things in the main bathroom and also turning my closet into a lean, mean storing machine.
Have a great day :)
1 comment:
Home ownership... how exciting! :D
Keep the pics coming - it will be almost like being there...
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