Previous roommates might recall my love/hate relationship with oatmeal.
Love: that it was an integral part of the cereal sale at Albertson's. $1 for a NAME-BRAND box of cereal. This included the big containers of Quaker Oats oatmeal. Now, of course I always stocked up on at least 10-20 boxes of the cereal. But it just didn't last that long. And who can justify buying 30 boxes of cereal? There's just not room to store it in a college dorm. So, to supplement, I scaled back on the number of boxes of cereal I bought and filled the gaps with containers of oatmeal. After all, oatmeal did last longer...and it was healthier. And it was warm. Warmth is a scarce commodity in Rexburg. Yes. Warmth is a commodity.
Hate: the amount of sugar required to make each bowl palatable. And that it puts me in a healthy mood. So I feel bad about adding all that sugar. And I usually end up adding things like flax seed and a sprinkle of honey. And that really is no compensation for the original lack of flavor. And it has an impeccable ability to give me gas. Yes. I just admitted that.
For over a year now, I have ignored oatmeal. It was not a part of my life. Except in cookies.
But, my relationship with oatmeal has warped as of late. I'll blame it on the colder weather. And the fact that oatmeal is so darn cheap. I recently purchased several boxes of oatmeal. In packets mind you. Flavorful packets. With all that good sugar already mixed in.
And I've really been enjoying that oatmeal.
It's almost a ritual.
I get to work in the morning. Read the daily Dilbert. Laugh at the daily Dilbert (usually relating to it, sadly). Grab my breakfast in a bag (and my handy spork!) and head to the nearest cafeteria (F caf, as it is affectionately called). There, I join the coffee line. Except, I'm waiting to push the little button on the machine marked "Hot Water", not "Caf" or "Decaf". While in line, I rip the top off my packet. People stare. And continue staring as I approach the machine and dispense the water directly into the packet. I've found 3 seconds is almost equivalent to 1/2 cup.
A few stirs with the spork and BAM!
What now Emeril??
It's like I'm camping every morning at work. I take my hot packet of oatmeal (excellent hand warmer, fyi) back to my desk and let it cool off while I log in and start a few tasks.
The whole routine makes me pretty happy. Except for the walk back to my desk carrying my oatmeal. It scares me. I just know that one of these days I'm going to trip over my feet, or one of those pesky lines on the floor, and face plant onto the ground while my little oatmeal grenade detonates all over.
Most embarrassing moment potential?
I think it's safe to say it'd make the top five.
Have a great day :)
1 comment:
ha ha ha, I remember tons and tons of containers of oatmeal under your bed... not to mention the voyages to Albertson's to get cereal!
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