Case in point: IKEA trip.
Now, you might argue that an IKEA trip is anything but routine. Walmart? Routine. IKEA? Special trip! And it's true. A venture to IKEA is not routine. But it is routine to WALK around that store darting from a bedroom setup to a kitchen to a living room to a bathroom to that a fully stocked cafeteria?? Amazing! Routine. Everyone going to IKEA does this and loves it.
Squishy and I on the other hand, laugh at those commoners. We grab the flat bed cart and turn the IKEA waltz into an IKEA ride:
Too fun. I thought for sure an IKEA employee would sternly tell me to get off the cart. I sheepishly glanced away from the first employee. Nothing. I stared nervously at the second. Nothing. I gave a weak, awkward smile to the third. Still nothing. As we rolled passed the fourth IKEA employee, I gave him a half-daring look that mostly said "I know, you're jealous." and we kept going. My means of getting around the store must be approved!
Now, Squishy insisted that he was having as much fun driving the cart as I was riding it. Really, I just think he liked the fact that he could prevent me from wandering off every which direction every time something shiny caught my eye. For example:
Me: "Ooh ooh ooh! I want to look at that lamp!"
Squishy: (Quickly rounds a corner) "What lamp? I didn't see a lamp?"
Me: "But it was so cool! It had those LED lights coming off of the Methuselah-like branches! It was a crazy lamp!"
Squishy: "You mean Medusa?"
Me: (Pauses) "Is that the lady with the snake hair?"
Squishy: "Yes."
Me: "Oh yeah, the Medusa-like branches."
Lamp is long-gone by this point and something else has caught my eye.
He probably thought he was earning boyfriend points but I eventually saw through to his true motive...
But I can't hate. It was super fun to ride around IKEA and I came away with exactly what I had intended on purchasing when I set into the store. And maybe one extra thing. But who can pass up a giant leaf that hangs over your bed like on a Bug's Life??
Not me.
Have a great day :)
ha ha ha, I loved reading this! It's so you! I sure do miss times like this! Good old College. I don't think I would love college memories as much as I do if it weren't for you. I'm pretty jealous of Squishy getting to spend all of this time with you!
I want one too!!
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