Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Kyoo 190 - Clear Conversation

I'm not a fan of this button in the iPhone UI arsenal.  Why?  Because it's gone.  All gone.  In less than the blink of an eye.  And by the hand of a curious 4-year-old.

(Yes, I know the conversation in that pictures is just riveting.  And what are they starting next??  You may never know...)

Call me sentimental (I will argue it's a mixture of laziness and procrastination) but I had my entire texting conversation history with Squishy saved away.  Every single text we'd ever sent to each other.

I remember it started on June 12th, 2010 at 3:38 am.  "My arm still smells like your lotion."

Isn't he so romantic???

The real story here is that my sample bottle of coconut lime verbena lotion (or something like that) exploded in my purse and, while he was making fun of me, I successfully swiped some across his arm.  What now Squishy??

And that's what started it all.

And "Clear Conversation" ended and erased it all.

Ten months of our crazy texting history.  GONE.  And I won't lie, I'll miss it.  Sometimes, when I was stuck in a long meeting at work or other places (no, of course not at church...), I would skim way back over them and laugh at our relationship and watch it develop all over again.  

It was probably my fault.  I probably shouldn't have let the 4-year-old play "the bird game" on my "big" phone.  You wouldn't believe how adept 4-year-olds can be on the iPhone.  She found screens I hadn't even discovered.

Like "Clear Conversation".

As much as it bites, I'll take responsibility for it (note how adult that is of me...), and we'll just start over.  Our first text now reads:  "Your 4-year-old niece just erased our entire texting history.  I might cry."

But this whole ordeal (that wasn't really an ordeal...I'll be okay, really) got me thinking that some texts are just meant to be shared.  Some texts you get are just so random or laugh out loud funny or so puzzling that they just need to be shared.

So, without further ado, I will share my favorite texts of the past week or so.  Just in case that "Clear Conversation" ever pops up again...
  • "You have never said a snake was cute!  I can't believe you didn't run screaming to your car and peel out!"
    • Thanks for the vote of confidence mom.
  • "Nebraska beat Texas in basketball."
    • Two words (and some punctuation):  BOO YAH!
  • "The margin of error is HUGE with this trip."
    • Read:  We have horrible luck and everything that could go wrong will go wrong with this trip. 
    • Better yet is that it was soon followed by this text:
      • "If everything works out, I should be able to afford a $2000 car."
        • Yes, that is the car we'll be using for that trip.
  • "They wouldn't think I was drunk, I was driving with too much precision."
    • Was Squishy driving slalom down the freeway?  I'm not a liberty to say...
  • "So, if you have no fingernails, what do you do at a manicure?"
    • A valid question.
  • "Where do penguins get their water?  Do they eat ice??"
    • Another valid question.  I just fall head over heels in love with Squishy all over again when he asks random questions like this.  Tug at the heart strings!  After some research, I discovered for him (because he was very restless not knowing the answer...) that they have a gland that can filter excess salt out of their bloodstream, therefore making it possible for them to drink salt water.  But, it sounds like they mostly eat snow.
  • "You forgot your pickles.  I am now holding them ransom for your pants."
    • Does this need an explanation?  No.
Have a great day :)


Jen Brudnicki said...

I miss your face! And breaking up kissey sessions and eating ice cream. Oh wait- I still do that last one.

The Jessops said...

I love this! I had been saving all of the sweet sentimental texts Steve had sent me from the beginning of our relationship but my inbox wasn't as cool as yours and I had to erase them little by little to keep the inbox from being completely filled. But, alas, I still have some of them. I love reading those sweet gushy messages when I'm waiting for something and have nothing else to keep me occupied!