Monday, March 7, 2011

Kyoo 191 - "Master" Bedroom

And without further ado.....

...the condo tour begins!

Remember how I closed on this thing almost a year ago??  Ok, so it'll be a year ago in May.  On the 28th to be exact.  But that's still over 9 months ago.  Which rounds up.

That's still a long time to go without posting any show-offey pictures though!  I love my little condo (hence why I bought it) and I want to share what I've been working to create over the past 9 months!

Babies take 9 months.  I guess the same goes for condos?

Who knew.

Before.  For perspective.

This wasn't exactly what the room looked like before I closed on the house, but it shows it at it's worst.  What I worked up from.  Now just imagine that white wall a really dark red color and paint some ugly baseboards and old carpet in your mental image and you have the room.

Add heaps of time and elbow grease and voila!

The finished product:

Though on any given day it looks more like this:


With more clothes on the floor.

But lets not focus on that!

Ze master bedroom also doubles as a nice home office, yes?  Complete with exercise ball!  Makes late-night work sessions more productive.  Or at least makes it more difficult to fall asleep at my desk.

And please notice the baseboards (and the new carpet).  Lots of blood, sweat, and tears were put into those baseboards.  Mine, thank you.  (P.S. that's not the finished finished product.  It's the only close-up I could find on my computer...that closely resembles the finished finished product.)

Ignore my creeper face in the mirror.  Lets focus on that closet!  When I bought the condo, the closet was nothing.  I think there was a clothes rod in there and nothing else.  It simply wouldn't cut it.  So I gutted it (aka took the clothes rod down), slapped on a fresh coat of paint, shopped around at Home Depot, and assembled and installed quite a nifty "closet storage solution".

Also notice the fine carbon monoxide detector off to the left of the mirror.  Installed that myself yes I did.  Don't provoke it.  It's loud.

All sorts of nooks and crannies and boxes and hangers for stuff to go!

 Clothes, clothes, clothes.  I already told Squishy that if he's serious (and just look at that face, he's serious)...

...that we are going to have a very interesting time fitting his schtuff in there.  Good thing I'm not faced with that problem yet!  I will happily revel in my closet space while I can.

This is Borris.  He was Grameez.  I still remember the day she became his moose-lover.  We were shopping in Red Lodge, MT and it was pretty much a done deal from the get-go.  I'm a very persuasive person but it didn't take much work to get her to walk out of that store with his cute little antlers poking out of a shopping bag.  Borris and Grameez had a happy life together.  He added another friendly smile to her room during the day and sat and guarded her stack of extra pillows during the night.  I remember many visits to Grameez and I would always sneak in and steal Borris for a night or two during my stays.  Borris and I were buds.  And I loved how he always smelled like Grameez.  Borris was among many people that sat with Grameez during her painful last few months on earth.  I asked her on one of her better days if she would let me keep him was she was gone.  She agreed.  So, soon after she left this world behind, I took Borris in as my own.  He still smelled like her for a couple months after I adopted him but now he just smells like stinky ol' me.  He's my bud though.  And I always look at him and remember my Grameez as he adds a friendly presence to my room and guards my bed at night.

He's really good at guarding.

This is what a cat would see if it were walking into my room wearing sunglasses and looking up.  But that won't happen because I don't see myself ever letting a cat set foot (or paw) in this condo.

Happy little tree!

My table has a bird on it.  I acquired this fine piece of furniture from a roommate who was moving out and leaving all behind in my last house.  I'd always been envious of it...and while I miss Mel...I'm really glad she left the bird table.

The plant blends in with the wall...don't you just love the green?

And this concludes today's tour of the my "master" bedroom.

Have a great day :)


steven said...

But, super super cute!

The Jessops said...

By the way, that last comment was me, not my husband

Kyoo said...

Harold has his own room now :)