Sunday, August 21, 2011

Kyoo 197 - Christmas in July

Sometimes radio ad jingles get stuck in my head.  I'll hum a radio station tune while I'm biking to work,  sing a random phone number while I'm brushing my teeth, and play through a business slogan on repeat like some desperate running mantra.

But what does this have to do with Christmas in July?


I can still hear it in my head like in was yesterday:  "dun dun dun dun dun duuuuunnn, Christmas in July! DUN!"

It sounds different than it looks typed...

I can't remember what the first part is, hence all the "duns", but that radio jingle has stuck with me for well over a decade.  I think it was for a sale at some furniture store.  Ernie's in Ceresco maybe?  Their big summer sale.  But in college, after many years of influence from this incessant earworm, and maybe also stemming from my love of Christmas music, I gave in to Christmas in July.

Nothing big.

But I can listen to Christmas music all July.  Which makes me happy.  And I can use it as an excuse for just about anything.  Pancakes for dinner?  Yes.  Christmas in July!  Name brand is 2 cents cheaper than store brand?  Of course.  Christmas in July!  Make and decorate sugar cookies?  Why not?? Christmas in July!

It's so fun.

One of my more creative pieces.  Hot tamales, a bit of tootsie roll, an M&M, and of course, frosting.


It's Rudolph, can't you tell?  I thought it'd be cool to put each of the reindeer on their own cookie and then draw little lines to connect them all to a big cookie with Santa and his sleigh.  And then I realized how much effort that would take and just made this:

It's a Bob Marley cookie.  Annnnd....

...also easier than the reindeer and Santa's sleigh idea.

Wish I could claim them all but...

...I had helpers.

All in all, it was a very enjoyable Christmas in July.

And I still have that jingle stuck in my head...

Have a great day :)

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