Sunday, September 4, 2011

Kyoo 198 - Long Run

Training for a marathon requires a fair bit of, well, running. Some eating. More running. A smattering of rest. And lots more running. And a few logistics.

So, without further ado, enjoy a collection of images detailing the logistics of morning long runs past (in no particular order. seriously):

Kyooyoo, broken, but not defeated.

This *edit* is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S!

You can't see muh face! The headlamp is a must. I have seen snakes on my trail. And I will not risk surprisingly encountering one in the dark.

Sometimes the socks turn on you and let the evil shoe take a slice:

A little snack...

Extra water stash. (I drink a lot of water. Like pounds and ounces! Ounces and pounds!)

And what greets the stoic runner uponst her triumphant return?? Massages? Rest? A shower? How bout a sink full of grimy dishes.

A shot of caffeine is a dream when you're running like a...snagged...seam...?

Muh water's on muh waist. And muh keys. And muh gels. And muh phone. And its like I'm wearing Batman's utility belt. And I only wish it were that cool.

More water! And Gatorade. Fluid replenishing people. It needs to happen!

Nothing like a big gulp of pickle juice after running for hours in the heat. If you've never tried it, trust me.

Tired feet? Yes, it happens.

Weather forecast?

(Notice the time, top center, that's am). Balmy.

Have a great day :-)