Just to put this into perspective, taking me to an air show is similar to taking a small child to Toys R Us. Right before Christmas. Unless you know a child that is crazy in love with airplanes. Then it's exactly like taking a small child to an air show.
It goes something like this.
(In the car, approaching the air field, approximately 7 miles away)
"I see an airplane!!"
This announcement is followed by a forceful point (oblivious to surrounding traffic of course and how they're interpreting my pointing), and intense staring as my eyes open wide to follow the object across the sky.
Now, that's the usual part. The "she typically responds like this". And I guess I'll admit it's true. It doesn't matter what conversation is occurring in the car or on the run or whatever. "AIRPLANE!" will get interjected.
It's when I go into play-by-play mode that you know we're going to an air show.
(In the car, still approaching the air field, about 5 miles away).
"It's flying up-side-down!"
More intense staring.
"Now it's twirling around!"
Silly grin now plastered on my face.
"There's smoke coming out the back!"
Face begins twitching. Heavy breathing develops.
"There's two of them!!" (about 2.5 miles away now).
Straight-up happy dancing breaks out.
So excited. Like so excited I don't even notice that we're stuck in traffic trying to get a parking spot. I'm just mesmerized by the ballet in the sky.
(Still in the car, at the air show, waiting to park).
"Are we there yet? Can I get out yet? Is that another plane? I think I see another plane!"
Parked and....I'm gone.
There are airplanes to see, people!
What does the C-5 Galaxy have to say about all of this?
"Get in muh belly!"
Giant inflatable space shuttle slide?
Tell Mr. George Strait that I will be checking "yes".
Watch a small biplane turn its engines off at 8,000 feet and free-fall to a nice, smooth landing?
On top of the world's smallest airport (aka a truck)?
All. Day. Long.
Flying people?
They're there too! With more smoke trails! Can you believe it??
And it only gets better from there.
How, you might ask?
Two words: Blue Angels.
Oh my sweet apple pie. They will get your engines going, if you know what I mean...

First of all, the F/A-18 is hawt. (Not as hawt as the F-22 but it's in that popularity circle).
Second of all, the pilots are hawt. (Let's face it, any man wearing a flight suit increases his hawt factor exponentially. Put a pair of aviators on him and set him in the cockpit of a Hornet...there's really no debate here).
Third, these hawt pilots fly these hot F/A-18's in sync with and at each other for half an hour.
And I melt.
They're supersonic aircraft people!! Get excited with me! Can't you just hear them?? They blaze past in all sorts of rolls and loops, sometimes at just under the speed of sound and sometimes in a slow, almost graceful dance with gravity. And the engines. The engines! Oh they burn with a fiery orange and powerful rumble that resonates for miles.
And destroys my ear hairs.
I just can't get enough!
Have I ever mentioned that I want to fly in one?

Only so bad!
If I really was a small child. And if I had a terminal illness. That would be my Make-A-Wish.
I've thought long and hard about that. Final answer.
You know what I did not think long and hard about?
How 170,000 other people love air shows too. And would be trying to exit at the same time.

"Katie! I think I can almost see the buses!"

"This is the line that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends, some people, started joining it not knowing how long it was, and they'll continue standing there forever just because...".
Your welcome.
Believe it or not, as horribly impatient as I usually am in crowds of people, I was surprisingly content. There were, after all, still airplanes EVERYWHERE. And maybe it had something to do with the fact that we were lined up on a runway.
"Real airplanes have landed here!"
Moral of the story is, I love airplanes. And the air show. It makes me giddy with excitement.
But, in case you were wondering, the air show does not love birds.

Have a great day :-)
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