I'm glad you asked!
Only my coolest run YET.
The El Sendero 50k trail race.
How much do I love running on trails?
More than I love mittens (and mittens have saved my circulation-challenged fingers many, many times so that's saying a lot).
Saturday morning long runs just got a lot more scenic.
Instead of running around the Medical Center trail (it's a 3.5 mile loop...so I have to run around it between 4 and 7 times to get my Saturday mileage in...) or the Leon Creek Greenway trail (miles to run on but mostly paved), I'm taking my training to the scenic, wild expanses of Government Canyon!
*trumpet fanfare*

Miles and miles of single and double track to explore. And quite empty most days. I usually only see a handful or two of people when I'm out there.

I get on these trails and just forget that time exists. Cell phone is turned off. Favorite tunes play softly in my ear. The sunlight dances through the trees one minute and then erupts in bright beams on my skin the next. The smell of grass and sage and dirt waft around. Water sloshes in my pack with each arrhythmic step. Branches reach out to leave their mark on my shins and ankles. All the while my mind is racing with the terrain:
Side step. Rock. Over root. Second root. More rocks. Left foot plant on left rock. Right foot on next rock ledge. Left follows. Dirt path. Up. Up. Up. Short, quick steps. Easy breathing. Big rock. Lots of rocks. That one wasn't stable. Stutter step. Back in stride. Tall grass. Scan for snakes. Move quickly. Easy terrain. Still scanning. Steep descent ahead. Don't sing out loud. Wait. It doesn't matter. Sing out loud. Tread lightly. Really watch for snakes. Take it slow. No tripping. Through the trees. Past a deer. More rocks.
And so on.
The miles just fly by and it never. gets. boring.
I think that's why I love running on trails so much. It's not about the destination. It's not about finishing the run and crossing it off my list. Trail running is one of the few things in life where it's easy for me to enjoy the journey. I could care less when the run is going to be over. Or how fast I get there. Just the opposites. I usually take all sorts of twists and turns and detours to make the run last longer.
How many other things in my life can I say that about??
Not many.
So, barring any rocks or roots get the better of me, I'll be spending my Saturdays on the trail. And I'll be enjoying every mile and every scrape and every drop of sweat that gets me to that destination.
Sendero 50k on December 10th!
Have a great day :-)
1 comment:
Oh Teagan, you make me want to hike a trail (without snakes of course!) Notice, I said hike! But, I am so glad you are enjoying your runs and being careful while you are at it.
Sue Powell
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