Monday, November 21, 2011

Yoo 215 - Recap on a Resolution: Bike to Work

In honor of me crossing the first finish line of my 2011 New Year's Resolutions (*snaps for Kyoo*), I did a little photo-shootin' with the Katie-photo-shooter. Because, you know, I'm narcissistic like that.

"Meet your New Year's Resolution to bike to work 150 times? Celebrate with a photo shoot of yourself! Yay!"

So, here's to those 150 hot, humid, rainy, hot, humid, icy, hot, humid, windy, hot, humid, traffic-y, hot, humid, freezing, hot, humid days:

(You got the hot and humid part, right? No?  Well...)


Annnnnd now, without further ado, the wild and crazy of Kyoo the Bike Commuter:

Kyoo and her "seductive stop light" 

Kyoo and her "love the bicycle".

Kyoo and her "show a little chain-side leg....ow ow!"

Kyoo and her "hahaha I so funny".

Kyoo and her "you ain't gettin' past this" and, also, "I can't pop a real wheelie".

Kyoo and her interpretation of "front-tire, quick-release".

Kyoo and her "bike hands".

Oh the memories of biking days past.  I plan to keep biking as much as I the habit ya know, can't stop now.  And it's kind of a stress release, especially the bike home.  Gives me more "outside" and "exercise" time.  Both favorites.  But some days, I just need to take a giant giraffe to work, and well, that's not going to happen on a bike.

So what's left on the resolutioning list, you ask? Well, just paying off my condo and reading all muh books and losing a few more pounds and "emergency preparedness" (however you quantify that...). I've still got over a month. Keep on keepin' on pals.

Have a great day :-)

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