Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Yoo 211 - No contacts and a deer, mostly munching on grass

I did a little playing around here today (work team builder, you understand):

But it looked more like this:

Because I forgot to wear these:

The contacts might not have made it in (we'll call it intentional on account that I was exercising my eyes, we shall) but the teeth still got brushed so there weren't any real tragedies today.

Also, I did 8 hill repeats for ze vorkout and you know who was cheering me on at the top of the hill (besides my own positively-thinking mind...)??

This guy.  (except, confession, not really this exact guy because, well, I didn't have my camera.)

Except mostly he was munching on grass. And I think there was some taunting going on, as he was munching on this grass. Because he gave me this "I bet you haven't had lunch yet" look and I gave him my best "It's not working you're not getting to me!" look and then my stomach growl betrayed me and there was this smirk in the deer dude's eyes as he went back to munching on grass.

And I ran back down that hill trying not to be jealous of a deer.

But the sun was out and that was pretty much glorious and the next seven interactions with my deer buddy didn't phase me as much.

Oh and by the way, did you know that eating a big breakfast and running hill repeats is an effective way to clear out your "system"? Yeah, me too.

Anywho, back to the Dave and Bustering.

Did I pick out the coolest mascot for my team with all of our 3,400 tickets?

Uh, yes.  And if you must know, that is a GIANT tootsie pop that the giraffity mammal and I are sharing.

Did I beat the Gregshooter in basketball?

Only twice.  For all of a grand total of about 76 tickets.  Basketball is not the way to go if you care about those tickets.

Did the Gregroller come within 10 points of getting the skeeball jackpot?

But of course he did and it was such a moment of "What could have been!".  And then another gentleman came up and got the jackpot just seconds later and I couldn't help feeling like we'd just been auction-sniped on ebay...

Also, I might have forgotten to mention this, but I have fallen sucker to those pay-by-weight frozen yogurt places.

I love them.  There was definitely a Yogurt Zone moment after the games.  Little bit of yellow cake.  Some pistachio.  Filled in the gaps with pecan praline.  Lots of fruity topping.  And a couple pieces of cheesecake to keep it interesting.  And no, of course that wasn't my dinner...

Also, my Greggerly might have decided that he doesn't like their mangoes.  But we won't go into detail on that.  But we will welcome him as a new USAA member!  *snaps for Bear*  He opened a new account with my favoritest bank today and of course he's as excited about it as I am!

And, to close everything out, I made this box:

To collect Season of Sharing donations at work.  I've made one for the past three years and the goal is to look as tacky as possible.  Re-purposed The North Face shoebox?  Oh.  Yeah.

Have a great day :-)

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