Seriously. It just doesn't seem to be a day that wants to get up and dance with me.
This one had me fooled for a bit this morning though. I was buying my breakfast taco at work and the nice cashier lady was all "Oh, you're buying a healthy taco? We're doing a promotion this week and you get a piece of fruit and a water for free with each healthy taco." I was a bit flabberygasted and gave her a "Come on lady this is a Tuesday and you don't joke with me about free fruit on Tuesday...really?" look and then she gave me a "Oh I know what you mean about Tuesdays(!) and there's five people in line behind you please just take your free fruit and leave" look. And so I grabbed a bag for my extra spoils, took two pieces of fruit and two waters because I was buying two healthy tacos (porker, I know), and left. Mostly sure I'd be eating breakfast tacos for the rest of the week and feeling oh so hopeful with the prospect of this Tuesday.
But the real Tuesday came shining thru shortly thereafter when I just couldn't get into my working-groove zone and these Tootsie Rolls kept finding their way from my desk drawer into my mouth. I told those Tootsie Rolls that I'm training for a 50k and they weren't helping me and they just stared at me all "Huh? Nom Nom Nomnomnomnomn...". And that was that.
The whole work day was kind of blah and I was easily sidetracked. Until there was a live webcast of Mike Durant speaking about his experiences as the "Black Hawk Down" pilot and I became laser-focused on it but then everyone else wanted to be laser-focused on me and kept bugging me at my desk and I just wanted to say "Hello people! Helicopter pilot on the screen...you...helicopter pilot...I have my priorities!" But I'm a professional...so I didn't do that but I did go home right when I hit that 8 hour mark. It was time.
And I walked into the bathroom once upon getting home and my mirror was like "Hey! You have arm muscles you do!". And I just gave it a look but it wouldn't have that and after a few minutes doing my best the-beach-is-that-a-way poses I was like "Hey! I have arm muscles I do!"
And that activated my warm fuzzies for a few minutes.
But then I had to go back to work for band rehearsal and I got all sorts of lost winding my way through the underground parking in the northerly buildings because I guess I still haven't mastered that in the three years I've been working there and 15 minutes later I was 20 minutes late for band.
And band went 30 minutes over which put me on my 10-mile run really really late.
And all day I was thinking about a teacher I'd had in a technical class at work a couple weeks ago (random, I know) and how he'd reminded me that I have so much to be grateful for and how I should live each day mindful of that and content with the fact that there is very little I can control but there is still so much joy and peace to be had (cliff's notes version...he was ten years' time more eloquent).
And Tuesday sure gave me a struggle. But that 10-mile run pulled me right out of my hardly-mid-week funk as 10-mile runs often do (it's my tackle-a-mental-struggle-with-a-harder-physical-AND-mental struggle approach and seriously, it works). I sped along thinking about how lucky I was to be speeding along and how it really wasn't luck at all but just one of my many blessings.
And then all sorts of my blessings started rolling around in my head and most especially the one where I wasn't getting attacked on a lately and dark 10-mile run. Or seeing any snakes.
And so, after a hard run and some engaging conversation with my Greggest of men, all was finally content in the Kyoo mind again.
Take that Tuesday!
Do you have a thing with Tuesdays? Or any other day of the week?
I hope I'm not the only one it likes to mess with.
Have a great day :-)
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