Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Yoo 217 - My reindeer poops candy.

Cola-flavored. I'm certain.

In true reindeer fashion (I'm pretty sure, though I've never seen a reindeer poop for reals...just lotsa otha' deer...same applies?), a quick lift of the tail and...


Also, I am now prepared for this most thankful of holiday weekends:

The Gregman has not quite mastered the prevention of Hangry Kyoo, so she's taking matters into her own hands.  And is packing a bounteously diverse supply of snacks for this upcoming weekend in Houston with his relateds.

I am a simple creature, almost like a baby.  Except you don't have to change my diapers (fingers crossed that doesn't happen for a LONG while...awkward).  Just keep me fed and rested, and I'll be the most amiable of creatures.

Except for maybe sea cucumbers?  Have they hurt anyone?

The point of this is, mostly, that I have learned from past weekend excursions to the Houston, that I can sink into the most irritable of moods because I don't have my normal access to food.  So the options before were irritable Kyoo or Kyoo eats all your food.  But my brilliance has struck again and I'm predicting a win-win-win situation.

I still need to impress these people, right?

So yes, this Thanksgiving weekend, for your mental viewing pleasure, I will be THAT girlfriend sneaking out to her car every hour or so for a snack.  In between partying with the boyfriend's family tree people.  Cool beans?

Cool beans.

I might pack some of those, too.

Have a great day :-)

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